The sound of the Đông Sơn drum echoes the history of Vietnamese culture and is pivotal to the Vietnamese sense of identity, resonating across two millennia of religion, war, exile and return. RE:SOUNDING activates the sonic cultural past of one community and reimagines it into the contemporary now, inviting you to participate in digital experiments and music creation.
RE:SOUNDING explores one cultural object’s changing meanings. Vietnamese-Australian artists James Nguyen and Victoria Pham have created a multi-faceted project exploring the Đông Sơn drum from all angles: as spiritual objects, cultural icons, tokens of trade and instruments of warfare.
Hear master percussionists tease out the nuances of this fascinating instrument with its elaborate decorations in two exclusive streamed performances, discover the diasporic stories of displacement and deep research behind the project and weave your own songs from a library of digitised interactive sounds.
RE:SOUNDING is the feature project of BLEED between 20 July – 2 August. New works and content will be going live throughout these dates. Have a wander, explore the project and see what’s to come.
Tiếng Việt